Do you have Pro Tools, Pro Tools | First, or Pro Tools | HD? Sound your absolute best with access to every audio plug-in Avid has to offer*—at an unbelievable price. Subscribe to the Avid Complete Plug-in Bundle and you’ll have the amazing sounds of classic compressors and EQs, studio-staple effects, legendary stompboxes, powerful reverbs, the world’s greatest guitar amps, and much more—all at your fingertips.
With a total of 51 individual plug-ins across all of these titles, it’s like having unfettered access to each prized piece of studio gear for an entire year—for just half the cost of a cup of coffee! $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year.
What are your thoughts on this new subscription from Avid? Will you subscribe?
To view the list of Plug-ins, visit: